Archived News

OpenTTD 1.0.5-RC1

A lazy weekend passed for some (like me), but others were busy gathering the bug fixes of the last weeks and made them available in the 1.0 branch, including fixes for some nasty crashes and annoying GUI glitches. So maybe you feel like testing our newest release candidate, 1.0.5-RC1 and help to make sure that the upcoming stable 1.0.5 really deserves the attribute 'stable'. Should you find any bugs, please report them to our bug tracker.

Downloads of the new 1.0.5-RC1 release are available as usual from the link on the top left of this page.

OpenTTD 1.0.4

Today we released OpenTTD 1.0.4. Nothing seriously was reported since the release candidate, and as we are confident the testers did a good job, we are also confident that it is a nice release!

Note that there is a new translation available in the release: You can now also enjoy OpenTTD in Belarusian. A good moment to thank all translators continuously maintaining and updating the translations.

If you are missing the translation into your native language, just join the team at our WebTranslator and become a translator on your own!

OpenTTD 1.0.4-RC1

Weekend is over, the next week has started already... do you need an excuse to have some fun? :) How about pl testing a software product? Here is a release candidate for a serious transport simulation - well, ok it's OpenTTD.

Please help testing OpenTTD 1.0.4-RC1, it contains a bunch of bug fixes, again including some desync issues. You can have fun playing, and if you find an issue, you can report it at, and offer us some fun fixing it in return :p You can reach the download and detailed changelog as usual by following the link in the topleft of this page.

OpenTTD 1.0.3

Testing has finished, here is OpenTTD 1.0.3!

It fixes various bugs, including desyncs and a security vulnerability (CVE-2010-2534). We encourage you to update your servers for unstoppable fun!

As usual you can find the download and the detailed changelog at the very topleft of this page.

OpenTTD 1.0.3-RC1

Welcome to the next round of test releases. The first release candidate for 1.0.3 is available. It contains a fine assortment of crash- and desync-fixes. Please help testing, so the next stable can deserve its status.

You can find the download and changelog as usual at the very top left of this page.